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The Insurgents

They tried to put us in boxes of every possible shape and size. From every century, with different names and different mottos, with different flags and justifications.

They called us witches, heretics, mad, sick, outcasts, bohemians, weird.

We were exiled and socially ostracized, in the name of God, the church, progress, family, binary thinking, heterosexuality, profession, monogamy, and the future.

They told us how things should be done, and we believed and accepted for a long time, and we did our best to fit into those shitty boxes,tight, cold, thin, with no room for pluralism or possibilities.

But one day times changed, and another moment arrived... where some boxes began to disintegrate from their age, like under their own weight but also from the force of oppression exerted from within.

And from their corners new paths formed, and paradoxically, the boxes began to come apart.

Cracks were freed, spaces where light entered and where one could also look outward, toward the hitherto unknown.

And those beings began to realize that they no longer fit inside, and they simply began to escape, they no longer fit in there. It was almost natural...

But still they had to fight for it, because from the outside they were still condemned. But why? they wondered, if it was something natural. They couldn't do anything else...

And so they fought and so they continued.

And other uncertainties arose, other ideas and new questions. And others appeared, who not only didn’t fit into a single box but who, strangely, felt they belonged to many.

And they suffered too, and they wanted not to, but they couldn’t do anything else. It was natural...

And like those before them, they fought, a lot, until they understood that the path was not to fit in but to create one’s own that includes them and to find themselves in it.

And so they encouraged and motivated each other, formed tribes, created new spaces.

And with that fear of feeling like heretics without boxes or names or labels they went out into the world to call themselves "nobody," to create other worlds, other life options,new stories.

And they seemed brave, and definitely they were.

And more boxes were broken, more windows and more void holes appeared where new things could fit and where they could look outward.

And little by little many more saw it, and more understood and more were encouraged and more broke them and more left.

Until they no longer sought to fit into those old yellowed boxes, moth-eaten shittyboxes, they realized they were more outside than inside.

The boxes were still there, yes, but in their souls they had almost disappeared...

And they had to keep explaining to the old world of mental memories, and worse yet, many times to themselves,

because getting out is easy but staying requires wisdom and also solitude.

But when one decides to open the eyes, it becomes hard to play dumb about that.

You can’t stop being brave, when you always were. Even before you knew it


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