The art of appreciating beauty hides within the simplest atoms of everything around us.Close your eyes. Take 10 seconds to be grateful.Fill each second with things to appreciate, and you’ll notice how those seconds suddenly feel too short as you begin to realize everything you have. Do the seconds shrink, or does awareness expand? To be able to feel. To build a perspective that focuses on what is present, rather than what is missing. What a great art.
A girl wrote this on the beach: "Current state: grateful". How inspiring.
It made me wonder: do we truly express gratitude enough?
I’m not going to write about all the benefits of gratitude—at this point in human awareness, we all know them, or at least, we should.I just wonder if we are grateful enough.
Do you have the clarity to recognize every single daily gift?
The people around you, the air, life itself, your loved ones, the infinite possibilities.
The subtle miracle of taking another breath, the chance to do something new, to change something, to fight, or simply to be happy.
One more day to reconsider what’s not working, to change course, to look into the eyes of those we love, to be grateful for the courage to leave, the bravery to return, or the patience to stay.
The art of appreciating beauty hides within the simplest atoms of everything around us.
Close your eyes. Take 10 seconds to be grateful.Fill each of those seconds with things to be thankful for, and you’ll notice how quickly they slip away when you start recognizing everything you have.
Do the seconds shrink, or does awareness expand? To feel. To build a perspective that focuses on what is present, rather than what is missing. What a great art, isn’t it?
A path, a rebellion, a pause in this Pac-Man society that chases us, trying to turn us into ghosts.
No! Wait! Pause! Breathe! A deep breath! Light! Hope! Magic! Gratitude!
A tool to slow down today—even if just by 10 seconds.That’s it… just 10 seconds. A lot.
Tomorrow, maybe it’ll be 11…
To gift ourselves awareness—what an act of courage.
Gratitude. Profound messages from the shore.
