Look at the importance of the best of YOUR OWN VOICE
coming from the outside,
in the form of letters or images.
For when, from within, we forget, there YOU ARE, A MIRROR TO YOURSELF, as your greatest tool,reminding you of the truth, of HOW and WHERE we are going…
In the end, our inner world is the richest thing we have,
and one of the most beautiful human capacities is that of granting meaning:
Meanings that things did not have before we believed them so.
Rituals with the power to turn matter into something more.
In Buddhist monasteries, there is often a sign in the dining hall that says that when you wash the dishes, you are actually cleansing all the miseries of the world.
That is, every time you pass the sponge to remove a food stain,
you are actually, with the power of your mind, purifying the world,
your actions,those of your friends,
and those of your enemies as well.
And with that philosophy,
you can BUILD whatever you want IN YOUR WORLD.
Isn’t it incredible?
We are doing one thing, but in reality, we are doing another. A much greater one.
It was a simple action, just washing the dishes,
but just by bringing consciousness to it, it perhaps became the most significant
and constructive thing of the day.
In that way, when it was my turn to do my Karma Yoga,
I imagined that I was cleansing my own miseries,
my fears, my mistakes, and those of my brothers as well.
And like a black cloud,
all that darkness was disappearing, and through love, light emerged, at the same time that I, too, was transforming
within that same dialectical process.
For everyone, and in that cycle, for myself as well.
What a great capacity, the ability to grant meaning, isn’t it?
What an immeasurable power we human beings have when we become aware.
We should do it more often,
as both a gift and a personal responsibility.
I never washed dishes with as much dedication and love as I did in those days ♡